Monday, October 5, 2009

Every Nursing Student Has a Story

I was listening to the radio the other day and a caller asked the host, "How are you?" With each caller that asked that, he replied, "Better than I deserve, how are you?" I'm doing so much better than I deserve; I hope you can say the same : ) The past couple of weeks I have been on "cloud 9." I'm enjoying nursing school far more than I ever imagined; clinicals have been especially uplifting. Today brought the enthusiasm down a notch; the "concepts and skills" test and I went at it ... we didn't end things on a good note. Luckily Katie, whom I can always count on to be honest and say it like it is, replied, "You haven't even gotten your grade back so you don't know..." I shut my mouth immediately and am back to being positive - thanks Katie! So this week is off to a fun start.. Recap of the last 2 weeks:
Ok, so 2 weeks ago I had a beautiful patient in her 20s with congestive heart failure who, if I hadn't already been in nursing school, would have inspired me to apply. She was an absolute treasure, one of those people that's beautiful inside and out. She was the type that you just want to take care of because every word out of her mouth begs for attention and understanding. Like most of us, she just wanted someone to listen. She's so sick, and in her 20s, faces death (most likely) in the next 5 years. She wondered allowed about her purpose; I told her that for those 2 days, part of her purpose was to encourage me in the Lord's purpose for my own life. She said that meant a lot to her. She gave me her phone number at the end of our time together. I'm hoping Louise (our preceptor) will let me check in on her. God, be with her, hold her, and keep her; giver her peace. I'll never forget her.
This past week I had a couple of interesting patients. One was an illegal immigrant and the other was a Diabetic who "knows how to control her diabetes." which means she knows how to have her cake and eat it too.. but nevermind. I would just like to say, I hope I look forward to more in life than Moon Pies when I'm old.
Last week also marked a year since the passing of Rose Carline who passed away at 13. She was a young girl a met in Haiti that meant so much to the "Mammas" there and had such a bright future. It brought even more thoughts of Haiti; I can't wait until I go back. Those children are my inspiration!
Last week was also good in that I got to spend more time with my friends like JMatt and Jessica and LB. Happy Birthday to Holly as well! The only real drawback to nursing is that I miss the outside world; I miss campus and being outside. So, I made time for that a spent Thursday and Friday basking in the sunshine with the girls. GLORIOUS!!! The weekend was fun; I saw my family. It was especially good to see my brothers . . . as ill-developed as they are (My father is so ashamed.) I love 'em though. AND I have plans to go to my sister's on Halloween - sooo PUMPED!
All right, so go enjoy the week, especially this beautiful fall weather, read your horoscope, picture yourself in Africa with some handsome tour guide (those 2 are for you ladies), or just walk around Carolina while the sun's going down like I did today. . . Love always <3


  1. You girls have such a wonderful opportunity to show God's love to your patients. I'm very proud of you!

  2. You have wonderful insight, and a charming way of expressing your thoughts.
