Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to school, back to school...

Well folks, it's that time again. Except now we're all trying to figure out, "wait is this our senior year? are we really going to be practicing RN's this time next year?"...the answers are yes, and hopefully!

Anyways, this semester is looking to be an exciting one. And since this was our first week of clinicals, hopefully we'll be getting back into the swing of blogging.

For my public health clinical, I'm working as the school nurse at St. Mary Magdalene catholic school in Apex, NC once a week. I had my first day on Tuesday - my preceptor is so great and I think we'll get along really well. The majority of what I heard on Tuesday: "my tummy throat is sore, can I get a cough drop?" Lots of cute kids and, no surprise here, a fair amount of fakers!

For my mother/baby clinical, I'm working at REX hospital (with MK) in Raleigh. This week was just an orientation week for us, but I got my schedule for the semester and my first four weeks are going to be on the labor/delivery floor - I'm sure stories will abound!

I'll let MK and Katie let you (our 3 faithful followers...) know what they'll be doing this semester, but hopefully we'll be able to share some fun/interesting/gross experiences from this semester!

Until then :)

PS - Can I just say how great it is to be back here with MK and Katie? Because it is! Ok, great.


  1. Welcome to your senior year! And it looks like you have 7 followers, not 3 :)

  2. I was about to say the same thing Katie!!! I love
    Reading your blog Erika ... It brings me back!!!

  3. And I read it all the time, but I'm not an official "follower!"

  4. Woo hoo - a blog post! Wecome to senior year, girls! Well, I also read this blog all the time (or whenever there is a post), but how do I become "official"??

  5. I also follow, I am just not a "follower".
